UP LISSA Memoirs

Looking back on UP LISSA's long and colorful history

Contents: About UP LISSA | About UP LISSA MEMOIRS PROJECT | Tech


The University of the Philippines Library and Information Science Students Association traces its roots back to The Library Club which was formed in 1922. In 1961, the Institute of Library Science was formally established, and a year after, The Library Club members reorganized under the Institute as The Library Science Club.

In response to the need for student governance, The Library Science Club served as the Institute's Student Council in 1972.

As the Library Science Club continued to serve as the Student Council, the Library Science Association was organized in 1973.

In 1981, the Library Science Association was renamed as the Institute of Library Science Students' Association; and in 1983, the organization went on to be called as the Library and Information Science Students' Association.

In 2002, UP LISSA and the Institute of Library and Information Science Student Council parted ways to pursue differing objectives, with UP LISSA pursuing a more academic-centered goal.


This website is a Digital Exhibit containing various collection of photos, documents, and histories of UP LISSA and was created in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course CWTS 2 SLIS - Strengthening of a Barangay Library, submitted to Prof. Paul Jason V. Perez.

The UP LISSA Memoirs collection aims to commemorate and promote the UP LISSA organization. This website will be beneficial to the organization since UP LISSA currently do not have one. This project however will not be the official website of UP LISSA but instead a project showcasing and celebrating the events and the members of UP LISSA throughout the years.

Most of the photos and other documents from this collection have been obtained from UP LISSA’s official Facebook pages and photos by members taken from events conducted by UP LISSA. Majority of the creators of this project are members of UP LISSA, that is why getting consent and access to the needed materials were easy to obtain.

Project Members:

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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